I Think I Have a Problem… Part 2

Part 2: Be Prepared to Talk to Your Health Care Provider

So, you’ve decided you are finally going to ask for help? Great! It’s very important to try to be prepared before you go to see your provider. Try these steps to get prepared for your appointment.

1) Write down all of the symptoms you are experiencing so you can help them understand your problem.

2) Write down any questions you have for your doctor or physical therapist.

3) Call ahead to get a copy of the paper work to fill out before your first visit. Often times, this paper work is fairly extensive. Filling it out ahead of time will save you time at your appointment and get you in sooner.

4) If you have done any research on your own, feel free to ask your provider about what you found. Most of us are very open to your ideas, and will help you sift through what will be most helpful to you.

5) If you are worried about what to expect at your appointment, feel free to call ahead and ask to speak with someone about what the appointment will entail.

How do you get prepared for your doctor’s visits? Leave your comments and suggestions below!


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